
TheHauntedIsland,aFrogDetectiveGame,isa2018comedyadventurevideogamecreatedbyindependentAustraliandevelopersGraceBruxnerandThomasBowker.,PlayasTheDetectiveinthisthrillingadventure,andsolvethemysteryofTHEHAUNTEDISLAND!Meetakookycastofcharacters,withcluesandqueststohelp ...,You'readetective,andafrog,andit'stimetosolveamystery.,FrogDetective1:TheHauntedIsland-PlayasTheDetectiveinthisthrillingmyste...

The Haunted Island, a Frog Detective Game

The Haunted Island, a Frog Detective Game, is a 2018 comedy adventure video game created by independent Australian developers Grace Bruxner and Thomas Bowker.

The Haunted Island, a Frog Detective Game by Grace Bruxner ...

Play as The Detective in this thrilling adventure, and solve the mystery of THE HAUNTED ISLAND! Meet a kooky cast of characters, with clues and quests to help ...


You're a detective, and a frog, and it's time to solve a mystery.

Steam 社群:: Frog Detective 1

Frog Detective 1: The Haunted Island - Play as The Detective in this thrilling mystery of THE HAUNTED ISLAND! Meet a kooky cast of characters, ...

Frog Detective 1

2023年10月25日 — Play as The Detective in this thrilling mystery of THE HAUNTED ISLAND! Meet a kooky cast of characters, with clues and quests to help you on ...

The Haunted Island

A small sloth has been haunted for weeks by a mysterious ghost that nobody can seem to track down. There's a mystery afoot, and the only one who can solve ...